Thursday, April 8, 2010

WOW....Life is GOOD Today!!

Ok, so my daughter broke my laptop.....(bad day had a smoke eek)  ANYWAY so it is hard to get on the PC at home, and I was SOOO Busy, I cant even explain it all LOL.  1 week....1 week post op and I feel WONDERFUL.  I have already lost 11 lbs!!  I know it wont ALWAYS be this great but I am enjoying it today!!
I am doing ok the mushy stuff (yogurt, cottage cheese, beans)  Sometimes the port hurts though, it feels like it wants to escape LOL...


  1. Yippeee! So glad you feel so GOOD!

  2. My port felt like it wanted to escape for about 2.5 weeks also(kind of alien)---now at almost 4 weeks it doesn't try to creep out any more.

  3. I had an alien too! It still pinches up a little bit when I move certain ways but the doc said that's normal. After all, you do have a foreign matter in your insides now! :)
